Agriculture & Natural Resources

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Our program provides education, training and technical assistance to individuals and businesses concerned with profitable agriculture.

What Is Agriculture and Natural Resources?

Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) is a program area of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Extension ANR programs are part of the outreach program of the University Of Kentucky College Of Agriculture. We provide informal education in agricultural production and environmental stewardship.   

Departmental specialists, researchers, and county agents develop and implement ANR programs. In addition to production agriculture, a small staff of Extension Associates provides focused assistance to state and county staff on interdisciplinary and critical-need programs. These programs may deal with the interface between production agriculture and environmental stewardship. Associates also address the relationship between farmers and non-farm rural and urban citizens. Our programs make a difference in the lives of millions of Kentuckians through research-based education.

Working with our other land grant partner, Kentucky State University, we extend the resources of the University to the people in their local communities. County agents serve as the link between people in every Kentucky county and experts in the universities. They coordinate and provide educational programs for the public through meetings and workshops, field days, personal communications, and web or satellite broadcasts. Agents also provide publications, newsletters, computer programs, videos, and other educational materials.

ANR Newsletters

Beef Meeting
Please hold Thursday, November 7, as our next Louisville Area Beef Cattle meeting. Registration will be at 5:30 p.m., with the meal beginning at 6 p.m.. Speakers will be Dr. Jimmy Henning, UK Forage Specialist, discussing “Rejuvenating Hay and Pasture Fields,” and Kelly Baird, KY Beef Council, will be giving us an update from the Cattlemen’s Association. Please call 502-477-2217 to RSVP by November 4.

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CAIP Program
Spencer County Conservation has enough funds for a few more applicants for the 2024 CAIP Program.
They will be taking applications through August 14th except for August 2nd and weekends until 3:00 p.m. each day.
Bring your drivers license and a matching utility bill. For information call 502-477-1157 or visit

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Summer Intern
I would like to extend a warm welcome to our summer intern, Josie Kurtz. She has been here a few weeks and is about halfway through her time with us. Here is a little more info from Josie.
Hello! My name is Josie Kurtz and I am excited to be serving as the summer intern for the Spencer County Extension Office! I am an upcoming senior at the University of Kentucky pursuing a degree in Career and Technical Education with minors in Agricultural Economics and Animal Science. At UK, I serve as the Philanthropy Chair for Sigma Alpha, Vice President for Agricultural Education Society, member of Block and Bridle, and am an employee at the University’s Visitor Center. I grew up here in Taylorsville and I am so happy to be back home for the summer serving the community I hold so close to my heart.

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As I write this, it’s a beautiful sun-filled day after a day of some intense wind and rain with tornadoes to the west and south of us. I’m always keeping an eye on the weather, especially during the spring when these types of storms can approach our area. On page 3 of this newsletter, there are some tornado tips and facts from the National Weather Service. I hope you’ll take a look at those.
Summer officially begins on June 20. I want to wish everyone a happy and safe upcoming summer. As always, feel free to call or email me if you have any questions.
Bryce Roberts
Spencer County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources

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Rinse and Return Program

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Farmers Market Opening
The Taylorsville Farmers Market will be opening up on Saturday, April 20, and will be open every Saturday from 8 a.m. until 12:00 noon until the end of October. The market is located next to Fresh Take Market and the Kentucky Farm Bureau office in Taylorsville. I’ll have more
information on the market in next month’s issue.

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Spring Weather—Be Prepared
As March begins and winter starts to wind down, now is the time to start thinking about being prepared for what the unpredictable spring weather can throw at us. March is a transitional month where we need to be prepared for anything and everything. In recent years, we’ve seen snow and cold snaps, but we’ve also experienced flooding and tornadoes as well. March tends to represent the battle between winter ending and spring beginning. Eventually, as we move into April and May, signs of winter disappear and spring develops in full force.
Spring can bring beautiful weather, with warm temperatures and sunny skies - great to get the flowers blooming. But it can also bring violent, dangerous weather. Do you or your family know what to do if severe weather strikes where you are? Preparation can be key for everyone’s safety!

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Beginning Producer Session

We had to postpone our November Beginning Producer Session until February. Here is the updated information. It will be held on February 27 beginning at 6 p.m. and it will be held at the Spencer Co. Extension Office. Following up with our September meeting on Farm Estate Planning/ Transitioning, we will have Keith Jeffries, Attorney at Law, in attendance to provide “An Attorney’s View on Farm Estate Planning and Transitioning.” Keith will have a short presentation, but he is prepared to answer any questions that you may have about this topic. Pre-registration is required as a meal will be served. Please call our office at 477- 2217 or you can click here to register:

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Soil Sample Now
As we are now into winter, this is one of the best times to sample your fields, gardens, or lawns to see what type and how much fertilizer you need to make the soil as productive as possible. For each sample you want to submit, we need at least one pint (sandwich bag) of dry soil 4-8 inches below the soil surface. Please put your name and sample ID (north lawn, hayfield 2, etc.) on each bag.
Bring those in now so that you can get the results more quickly and in some cases go ahead and apply the fertilizer now so that the soil will be ready for your yard or crops.
This is a free service provided by the Spencer Co. Conservation District. Thanks to them for sponsoring the soil sampling

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Additional Information

If you are in need of help for bee swarm removal please contact one of the following current beekeepers:

Amanda Snider - (502) 644-0119

Trey McCutcheon - (502) 558-8342

Scott Edberg - (502) 472-5276

Dave Handsbury - (618) 615-1833

Troy Simpson - (502) 797-2520

What is Citizen Science

When citizens help conduct scientific research in their own communities. The data you collect will help professional scientists and resource managers across the state solve critical issues that our environment is facing.

Join the fight to protect the Commonwealth


University of Kentucky Extension is the trusted, local resource for every Kentuckian.


University of Kentucky Extension engages with Kentuckians to connect them to resources, research and innovative solutions.


University of Kentucky Extension is for all Kentuckians. We are :

  • Responsive
  • Innovative
  • Research-based
  • Collaborative
  • Relevant
  • Accessible
  • Local

Ryan J. Linton

Extension Assistant, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Science, 4-H Youth Development

(502) 477-2217 Spencer County Extension Office 100 Oak Tree Way, Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071-0368

Bryce A. Roberts

Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources

(502) 477-2217 Spencer County Extension Office 100 Oak Tree Way, Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071-0368

Contact Information

100 Oak Tree Way P.O. Box 368 Taylorsville, KY 40071-0368

(502) 477-2217